Marketing “We buy what we are”

“We buy what we are”

Esta semana, Curitiba recebe um dos maiores especialistas em “Consumer Behavior” do mundo, o Ph.D. Michael Solomon. Ele já tem vários livros publicados e se prepara para lançar o próximo (Social Media and Marketing) em janeiro do ano que vem. É professor na Saint Joseph’s University, na The University of Manchester e é diretor da Mind/Share, além de escrever em alguns dos principais jornais dos Estados Unidos como: o USA Today, o The Wall Street Journal e o The New York Times.

Há algum tempo, a gente vem conversando com ele pela web e, agora, teremos oportunidade de ouvi-lo em algumas palestras que ele irá proferir a convite do Grupo Uninter e da ADVB-PR. Para começar bem a semana, veja o que Solomon pensa sobre o comportamento do consumidor online e quais as novas perspectivas de consumo

Group buying is still a phenomenon in the U.S.? What’s next?
Group buying is still a very big thing in the U.S. and I expect it to grow a lot more.  The next piece I think will be added to this is true group shopping — where you shop online with your friends even though they are not with you in the physical store. For example, I am excited by websites and phone apps that allow you to upload your picture of yourself trying on a dress in the store and you can get their comments about whether it looks good on you before you buy it.

This “crowdsourcing” of consumer input is the future of shopping – one site I like now is — you can create a “look” and see what other people including celebrities have also created. A lot of this will be done as more augmented reality technology becomes available.  In fact this is what I will be talking about at my presentation.

Reese Whiterspoon at

I also talk about these applications a lot in my new textbook that will be published in January: Social Media and Marketing (Pearson). I am hoping that we can develop some executive programs related to social media and consumer behavior as part of the Global Marketing Network.

Michael Solomon


“Bumerangue de Ideias”
Data: 23 de maio
Horário: 7h30
Local: ACP (Rua XV de Novembro, 621 – 8 andar)

“Conteúdo Gerado pelo Consumidor e Novas Mídias: impacto sobre o branding, as estratégias e as relações de mercado”
Data: 23 de maio
Horário: 20h
Local: CIETEP (Av. Com. Franco, 1341)

“A Marca Que Não Está Lá: Plataformas Virtuais e Estratégias de Marketing”
Data: 24 de maio
Horário: 8h
Local: Hotel Pestana (Rua Comendador Araújo, 499)

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